Did you or your customer wonder about that already? Then you should be concerned about that urgently. We compiled five steps which lead you to an own app and which improve your public image profitably and innovatively.
There are many different companies which use apps successfully
I would like to instance the uncountable fashion labels, which offer costumers in their apps next to unique shopping experiences, also latest offers, a scan function for size guides as well as sharing your favourite garment on social networks.
Citizens can benefit quite different, whose cities or towns already have an own app. Besides important information on opening hours, direct contacts or current events citizens can download documents or applications on this app or even fill in and send it back.
Even consultants provide apps which support customers individually. Whether value dates for income tax or annual financial statement, a detailed notification about your tax data or data collection and saving data. Also this kind of app promises users true added values.
As you can see apps provide many opportunities to acquire costumers and bind existing customers. Furthermore apps provide a great customer service and facilitate the workflow. Whether it is about a business app for communication between you and your customers, summarized information about you and what you do, push messages on the mobile device of your cutomers to communicate special offers, events as well as price competitions right through mobile coupons to increase in sales.
We offer you a little assistance in five steps, in order that your app will be a absolute success:
Step 1: Concrete specifications / Marketing strategy
As first step your company should perform a precise analysis and definition of the traget group. What happens in the brain of your customers? What does your customers need? Here you should perform a precisely target group definition for your app to coordinate your service offer perfectly. For example by analysing the user behaviour on your website, a very precises profile of your traget group will be constituted.
The definition of your marketing goals helps you to introduce your customers to the app. You should previously think about, if the app will be available in the app stores for free or for cash. Furthermore the consideration in your app is improtant, whether you provide your customers a clear added value thanks to additional services or acquire new customers with e.g. special offers in your app.
Besides distributing advertising for your app in different channels (social media, ad placements, your own website etc.), the presentation of your app in the stores is quite important. Furthermore a appealing name for your app as well as a applicable app icon and correct app description are also important
Step 2: Analysis of competitors
To better assess competitive opportunities it is necessary to examine the potential of your competitors. Do your competitors provide an own app? If not, what would be the reason behind it? Which functions are provided by existing apps of your competitors? How can you set yourself apart with your app and above all how to link with potential customers?
Step 3: Selection of technology
We already developed and published numberless apps and we can cleary say that Android or iOS apps dominate as operating systems. The usage of operating systems as BlackBerry OS or Windows Phone is increasingly small.
It is nowadays a must for all companies to have an web app with mobile optimised content on your own website. How often have I left websites after a few seconds just because the content is unreadable on my mobile device. According to current technique standards this is avoidable and a mobile optimisation simple to perform.

Source: www.statista.de
Step 4: Selection of suitable project partner
This is where we come in. Our agency already implemented many complex apps for customers and we gained wide-ranging know-how in this field. You will benefit from our expierence and we provide everything from a single source like the conception, creation, programming, hosting and analysing your app. We targeted to implement your requested app according to your budget and the given time.
Step 5: Definition of app design / Publishing in stores
The last steps require careful planning and the support of your project partner. The design and user interface of your own app are at least as important as a correct web presence. Customers should navigate easily and the design should be appealing because an app leads to a strong external image. A intuitive handling ensures a quick and easy to use app. Your CI should be reflected in your app and thus provides a high recognition value.
While implementing the functions you differ between core functions and additional functions. The core functions in an app offer your customers the most added value and thus should be provide on a central position in the app. Additional functions are mostly outsourced in submenus and often occur by suggestions of app users. For this reason additional functions are implemented later in many cases.
The audits and test of an app before publishing should not be underestimated. We offer our customer a advance version (Test Flight) of the own app for testing to get an exact feedback about functionality, user friendliness or design.
Once this is done, the successful developed app can be published in the stores and is provided to a wide range of users. Especially the publishing of an app requires expertise which we acquired for years. Each store vary from operating system to operating system. If Google Playstore, app store and others – each publishing of an app follows certain specifications and guidelines, which must be complied in every detail.
Your app can be a success if you consider the above mentioned steps. We would like to support you with your project. Benefit from our app expertise and get digital today!