Some Use- cases of our augmented reality portefolio


We are proud about our first showreel (2013)

Gives a short overview. Often we forget to say: All these examples are running on mobile devices. So its perfect for a new mobile marketing.

Augmented Reality Packaging

We have more know- how about packaging, than using cutlery while eating!

Augmented Reality Point of Sale (POS) Displays

We are really loving POS displays!

Augmented Reality Print

Like with packaging and displays you can do all the awesome AR- stuff with normal print products, too!



Augmented Reality Beispiel Würfel

To be honest, the examples you will find with that cube are a little bit older (begin of 2013). But we are working to fill that cube with more fresh content. So its still worth to order our free demo!

Lets go!

Are you curious? Please contact us and lets talk about your own project!



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