Anyone else who still remembers the 8Bit – classics? 🙂


Decades ago, the computer technology made its public breakthrough with such bulky graphics.

This is where augmented reality technology stands today.

We stand at the beginning, but with our passion, our courage and our creativity we can create applications that delight and fascinate people and  Wir stehen am Anfang.

With our imagination and our experience, we will continue to develop AR applications until they turn into such complex applications just like the 8 Bit classics did and which are now integrated into our everyday life.

And just like we ask ourselves today whether we thought the simple and bulky programs were so great back them, we will ask ourselves if receiving a virtual reality with a smart phone was really such an unbelievable experience.

There are 3 kinds of companies:

  • Companies that achieve something.
  • Companies that observe how something is achieved.
  • Companies that are surprised that something has happened.


Lets go!

Are you curious? Please contact us and lets talk about your own project!



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