Ever since the wide distribution of smart phones, tablets, Facebook, Youtube or Pinterest, augmented reality applications have resulted in fast reactions in the target audience.

That way, a good idea can reach a large audience despite a low budget  – and it can get its message across.

TREFFPUNKT IDEE gladly advises you, provides ideas, conceptualizes and implements adequate augmente reality applications for you.

Thanks to our know-how and flexible production possibilities, we can keep the costs for middle- and small-sized companies manageable as well.

For the viral distribution of messages good ideas and availability are crucial. That’s what TREFFPUNKT IDEE stands for.

TREFFPUNKT IDEE aims to make AR-applications accessible for a mass market: this means we are able to implement adequate projects for a reasonable price. Please contact us to talk about the various possibilities.


Lets go!

Are you curious? Please contact us and lets talk about your own project!



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